“There will be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes. But with hard work, there are no limits.”

Jaguars United FC was founded in April 2010. JUFC is the first Brazilian soccer club in the Greater Boston area and specializes in both outdoor and indoor soccer. Jaguars United FC will have qualified coaches who will monitor the individual development of each student. All coaches must and will have their criminal antecedents checked by CORI (Criminal Offender Record Information), as a requirement of Soccer Federation of Massachusetts.
Our mission is to provide a fun and competitive learning environment for boys who love to play the game of soccer. We are committed to:
– Developing outstanding team skills;
– Encouraging hard work and player development;
– Rewarding positive attitudes;
– Having fun while reaching goals.
JUFC is dedicated to developing skilled, competitive soccer players with an advanced knowledge and a real passion for the game. The focus is not only with the player’s current level of skill and talent, but more importantly on developing each player to their highest potential.
Training hard, setting individual as well as team goals, improving skills, understanding the rules of the game, being a reliable teammate; these are some of the expectations the club has of its players. In return the club sets a high standard in offering first rate instruction from professional coaches dedicated to enhancing individual skills and creating a strong team approach to the game. Meeting these mutual commitments is hard work for all involved. When it is consistently pursued with a sense of joy and pleasure, winning is simply the natural outcome for everyone involved!